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The Humor Of The Humorless

by tristero

Recently, comedian Joel Stein in the LA Times called anti-Bush/Iraq war troop-supporters wusses and openly admitted,“I don’t support the troops.” The right has pilloried the schnook. And they are trying to turn Stein into the latest deadly serious cause celebre now that Belafonte’s had his Two Minute Hate. But I think the right’s gonna have problems with Stein.

Y’see, when you boil it down, Stein’s saying that if you support the troops, then you’re not supporting the troops; however, if you don’t support the troops then you are, in fact supporting the troops. So Stein does, in fact, support the troops. Except he doesn’t. I’se like, Wha?

So…if you make the rightwing’s mistake of taking Stein’s writing as worthy of serious notice, then you are compelled to conclude he’s even dumber than John Ashcroft. And that immediately creates a serious existential problem, because no one can be dumber than Ashcroft and breathe without medical assistance. And that, Stein is doing, or so I’m led to believe. Therefore, anyone who knows how to read English should find it patently obvious that to argue with Stein’s “ideas” is to tilt at a very stoned windmill. They’re a joke.* And jokes are what comedians do, duh. And jokes are often offensive, duh.

Now, I don’t happen to think his column was very funny. But I DO find it gut-busting hilarious that the right would be so STOOPID as to interpret his remarks as a serious starting point for an earnest discussion. What next, are they gonna seriously complain that SpongeBob’s gay?


*That Joel Stein the citizen might actually believe what Joel Stein the comedian says is not relevant. It was Stein the comedian who was clearly the “I” in the op-ed.

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