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Thin Skin Tim

by digby

I hear the High Priest of Kewl Kid High is all upset that Arianna is reporting that the Carville radio talk show The Monsignor promoted on his show this past week-end is being produced by his own son — a fact which he omitted. But then he has a habit of omitting information — like the dozens of discussions on his show about the Plame leak without telling his viewers that he was a primary witness, for instance. (He’s since revealed that a reporter has no ethical obligation to tell the public what he knows if doing so might harm his relationships with his social class.)

But this thing with his son really is beyond the pale. How could Arianna delve into his private life like this … into his family for crying out loud? This is his son who has been outed as a radio producer on the pages of the mighty Huffington Post. For shame.

Of course there are times when it’s absolutely necessary to drag the family into it, as in this case: Russert’s first exchange with presidential candidate Howard Dean in his first appearance on Meet The Press in 2003 (via the Daily Howler)

RUSSERT: You said that your son got in a scrap. He was arrested for driving a car in which some of his friends broke into a beer cooler and stole some beer—

DEAN: Right.

RUSSERT: —and was indicted. How are you—

DEAN: He hasn’t been indicted, but he—


DEAN: He’s been cited, right.

Howard Dean had no expectation that his teenage son’s mortifying lapse in judgment would not be talked about on Press The Meat. I’m sure he was prepared for it, although he might have thought that something more important would open the discussion (or at least that Russert wouldn’t claim his high school aged kid was indicted.) Still, it’s part of the game, and public families know what they are getting into. Everybody is just doing their jobs, no matter how sleazy.

But apparently, if someone points out that Father Tim is shilling for his kid’s show on Press The Meat without revealing his son’s involvement, it’s out of bounds, deserving of a full PR push back from NBC News replete with sour grapes from none other than professional Republican sleazebag, Ed Rollins.

Interesting ethics you’ve got there, padre. I must have missed that day in Aquinas class.

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