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Molly Ivins, Bless Her, Doesn’t Understand How Republicans Think.

by tristero

Oh, I love Molly, don’t get me wrong. But this seriously misunderestimates the Republican mindset:

I am confounded by the authoritarian streak in the Republican Party backing Bush on this [extensive, illegal spying on Americans]. To me it seems so simple: Would you think this was a good idea if Hillary Clinton were president? Would you be defending the clear and unnecessary violation of the law? Do you have complete confidence that she would never misuse this ‘inherent power’ for any partisan reason?

Molly, you’re assuming that sooner or later there actually will be a Democratic president. Republicans assume that will never, ever happen again. And they’re doing everything possible – controlling voting machines, gerrymandering, fraud, blackmail, buying the media – to make sure it doesn’t.

So why bother worrying the “other party” will abuse the power Bush now has? It’s like worrying about a large asteroid colliding with Earth. Sure, it’s theoretically possible, but…

Wouldn’t it be nice if they were wrong? And Republicans no longer were in a position to wreak the havoc they’ve inflicted on our country over the past 5 plus years? And the laws were again obeyed?

Me, I’d be perfectly happy if none of the scoundrels currently destroying our country’s way of life and government were never prosecuted if we could just keep them out of power. Well, not happy exactly, but I’d settle for it.

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