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Stop Making Sense

by digby

That dessicated waste of space Kate O’Beirne is on Hardball right now screeching for the laudenenum because “liberals don’t know how to act at funerals!” Oh lawdy, lawdy, lawdy Miss Mellie, I do decleah these Democrats are so ungenteel! Why, they were talkin’ politics and singin’ and dancin’ and actin’ all Negro and everything!

I personally find it absolutely outrageous, OUTRAGEOUS! that Republicans are attacking Coretta Scott King and her family this way. Why, she is an American icon! How dare they! Do they really think that African Americans don’t know how to behave at a funeral for one of their own? How very white of them.

Kate O’Beirne isn’t fit to wipe Coretta Scott King’s shoes and criticizing her on the day of her memorial service is disgusting. What kind of unfeeling ghouls have Republicans become??

Update: Oh and I think they need to apologize to the Reverend Lowry. He is a man of the cloth and a friend of the deceased. Are they saying that leaders of the African American church are less worthy of respect than the white churches they are so proud of representing? It sure sounds like it. Republicans, it seems, only respect the church when its leaders “behave” the way they deem appropriate.

Update II: Matt Singer writes:

If you haven’t read about it elsewhere, President Bush apparently looked a bit sheepish at Coretta Scott King’s funeral service today. Why? Because two speakers had the gall to talk about the values the Kings stood for: fighting poverty, fighting racial division, standing up for working Americans.

Yes, it had to be unpleasant for poor little President Bubble Boy having to deal with something other than his hand-picked sycophants. He’s probably never even heard this stuff before.

Typically, his supporters’ knee jerk response is to rhetorically lynch African Americans.

Update III: Check out Americablog if you would like to know a little bit about the man who Kate O’Beirne and her fellow funeral etiquette harpies are taking to task for being inappropriate at King’s funeral.

For shame.


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