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Reality-Based Science Equals Real National Security

by tristero

I really was hoping someone would get the not so subtle hint in my previous post. So I’ll just spell it out.

An astute political party could easily start to nail Republicans to the wall on their atrocious national security policy simply by making a major issue of the GOP’s obsession with faith-based technologies and their assault on science education.

That same astute party could also point, in contrast, to an excellent science and tech policy and promise to halt the decline in American science perpetrated by the right and make genuine science a priority if they ever got elected.

Too hard to explain? Nonsense. The NRA’s opposition to an autmatic rifle ban. THAT’S hard to explain. But they they have. Making it clear that it’s a bad idea to fund a missile defense system armed with the power of prayer and nothing else is child’s play in comparison.

[UPDATE: It will take a lot more than this, duh, to reverse the perceptions. But, my God, you couldn’t ask for a more stark situation to get started.]

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