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Careerist Crooks

by digby

Josh Marshall has posted an interesting piece of correspondence from a Democratic staffer regarding the Abramoff affair. There are as number of things in the letter that are worth discussing, but there is one point that offers an intriguing talking point:

The vast majority of Democratic staffers work on the Hill, despite the miserable pay and long hours, to try to achieve some measure of good. Many, many Republican staffers- convinced that government is an evil- work here in order to make money off that necessary evil. That breeds corruption. When you have a majority of members and staffers that could care less about policy ad governing and more about power/influence/money/profit Abramoff is inevitable. When the hard, tedious work of legislating and oversight is done by people motivated by careerism rather than professionalism not only do you have Abramoff, but you have Michael Brown, Halliburton, and illegal NSA wiretapping.

We need to think about ways to communicate why this “culture of corruption” is so pervasive in GOP government and why it is unique to them. This is one good way to explain it:

When Republicans are in charge, watch your wallets. Corruption and incompetence naturally stem from sending people who hate the government to Washington. They obviously aren’t there to be responsive to the public because they don’t believe the government can or should be responsive to the public. They are either there to exercize power for power’s sake, make contacts and build their careers or they are second rate hacks who can’t make it in the private sector. Democrats come to Washington to do good. Republicans come to Washington to feed at the trough.


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