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She’s So Relieved

by digby

It’s just so awful when the kewl kidz have to report icky things about Republicans. It makes everybody feel so darned uncomfortable!

Candy Crowley just said:

“Assuming that nothing else comes up, I suspect this fades.”

Now if Cheney had received fellatio and hidden it from his wife instead of drinking beer while on medication, shooting a man at close range and hiding it from the public, the story might not fade. Not because they would be concerned about his personal sex life, of course. It would be because of what it said about the his character.

On the other hand Jack Cafferty just slammed Cheney for running to his little friends at Fox News for his softball interview. “Talk about seeking a safe haven…”

Of course as one of my readers reminded me, Cheney has officially endorsed FoxNews:

Vice President Cheney endorsed the Fox News Channel during a conference call last night with tens of thousands of Republicans who were gathered across the country to celebrate a National Party for the President Day organized by the Bush-Cheney campaign.

Fox News styles its coverage as “fair and balanced,” but it has a heavy stable of conservative commentators that makes it a favorite around the White House. It is unusual for a president or vice president to single out a commercial enterprise for public praise.

The comment came as Cheney took questions from supporters at 5,245 parties that were held in 50 states to energize grass-roots volunteers building a precinct-by-precinct army for President Bush’s campaign.

“It’s easy to complain about the press — I’ve been doing it for a good part of my career,” Cheney said. “It’s part of what goes with a free society. What I do is try to focus upon those elements of the press that I think do an effective job and try to be accurate in their portrayal of events. For example, I end up spending a lot of time watching Fox News, because they’re more accurate in my experience, in those events that I’m personally involved in, than many of the other outlets.”

Good girl Candy. Bow down to the administration AND your competition.


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