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Herbert’s Right. Dammit.

by tristero

I didn’t post my suspicions, but My Smart Spouse will confirm that within minutes of first hearing the news that Cheney had shot a 78 year old man in the face, I suspected there was drinking involved. And unfortunately, I was right. This is a genuine catastrophe, because it means that Bob Herbert’s call for Cheney’s resignation is, as I see it, exactly right. Damn, damn, damn!

If it happens – and I suspect the odds are about 60/40 that it won’t, which are lousy odds – then one of two things will happen. Either Bush will play the GOP loyalty card and we’ll have Vice-President Rice, which will be extremely bad for Democrats for, oh, about the next geologically significant aeon or two. Or if he’s feeling personally insecure, Bush will appoint a far right lunatic in the Santorum mold, confident that no one would dare to impeach Bush even if, somehow, Democrats manage to win majorities in the House and Senate.

Either way, it’s bad news. Not only for Democrats but for the entire country. True, Cheney is bad news already. But never underestimate Bush’s ability to make an awful situation far worse.

On the other hand…I’ve got a thought! Let’s see where this leads:

Maybe Bush could really show he has the country’s best interests at heart and just go for it! I’m saying, if he knows Cheney’s resignation is inevitable, why not go for extra credit and resign along with him? And take the rest of the administration along as well?

Hmm… Well, to be honest, I do see maybe a few practical problems with that – like how to avoid a President Hastert, for one. And the worldwide collapse of confidence in the US, which would probably trigger a worldwide economic panic of mega-tsunami proportions.

Big deal. As George Packer might say, Hey, y’never know, it just might work. Let’s give it a shot. So I say:

Resign, Mr. Cheney, and take the whole damn administration along with you.

(Note to rightwingers and other humor-impaired readers: Everything from “On the other hand” is satire. Anyone caught taking it seriously will be peppered with pixels as soon as I put down my brewski. However, I am quite serious about this: Cheney must resign.)

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