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Mixed Signals

by digby

On CNN earlier today:

NGUYEN: Well, it wasn’t quite an apology, but it was an admission. Three weeks after his State of the Union address calling for energy independence, President Bush acknowledged today that his administration has been sending some mixed signals.

Mr. Bush visited one of the nation’s top renewable energy labs in Colorado. He praised the work that’s being done there and acknowledged that just two weeks ago the government laid off 32 workers there. Those jobs have now been restored, just in time for the president’s visit.

I’m sure those 32 workers are grateful, but really. This is becoming embarrasing. I don’t know if you saw him, but he was draped so far forward on the podium he looked like he was trying to crawl over it. Maybe there was a copy of “My Pet Goat” lying open on the floor.

Update: Here’s the full story from the WaPo:

President Bush, on a three-state trip to promote his energy policy, said Tuesday that a budgeting mix-up was the reason 32 workers at one of the nation’s premier renewable energy labs were laid off and then reinstated just before his visit.

Bush addressed the funding problem as soon as he began speaking here at the Energy Department’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory, which is developing the sort of renewable energy technologies the president is promoting.

“Sometimes, decisions made as the result of the appropriations process, the money may not end up where it was supposed to have gone,” Bush said.

Right. He never meant to cut those jobs. The money just ended up where it wasn’t supposed to go.


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