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Castrati Chat

by digby

Rush has been on a strange tangent the last couple of days. Aside from his strange sensitivity to the feelings of terrorist supporting middle eastern potentates (which actually makes sense when you stop and think about it) he also appears to be somewhat obsessive on other subjects:

Ladies and gentlemen, I’m tempted to say that we are on “Summers’s eve.” We are at Summers’s eve. I know Summer’s Eve is also — I think; I used to be an expert in these things — a feminine deodorant spray, but it’s also — it also designates, ladies and gentlemen, that we are in the last days of the administration of Larry Summers as president of Harvard. And, by the way, this happened — I think we need to change the name from Harvard to Hervard, because a bunch of angry feminazis took him out simply because he spoke the truth about diversity on campus and the differences in men and women.

The feminist movement is still alive and well, and it contains the central belief there’s really no difference between men and women, we’re all the same, we’re all just conditioned differently, but we can all do what everybody else does, we’re all equal, there is no inherent difference. Now, you think I’m laughing when I — joking when I suggest they change the name from Harvard to Hervard; they changed the word “history” to “herstory” at one point, remember, in the militant feminist movement. In fact, maybe we can have two schools, Hisvard and Hervard, and just sequester the students. Hervard: Übersexuals need not apply, metrosexuals would be welcome, but the few slots are very competitive. Transsexuals, your scholarship’s in the mail before you even apply.

And this, from the same day, is just strange:

OK, so there’s that. Lemme put that aside. Next little story, and this — this actually is from Sunday. It’s an Associated Press story: “Ginsburg bears burden without O’Connor. It’ll be a one-woman show in the Supreme Court starting Tuesday. Ruth Bader Ginsburg is the only female among the nine justices, and she’s not so happy about it.” So, resign. If you don’t like it, resign. If you don’t like being the only woman on the court, then go somewhere else. Besides, David Souter’s a girl. Everybody knows that. What’s the big deal? I’m talking about attitudinally, here, folks. You gotta — you just — Dawn [studio transcriber] agrees. She’s nodding her head in agreement.

The day before that:

Speaking of Jimmy Carter, did you see what his son, Jack, said? …”I am pro-choice as far as a woman choosing. But I am against abortion.” Well, there is a totally worthless view. This is just his version of, “I support the troops, but I don’t support the war.” Or “I’m against slavery, but I oppose freeing the slaves. I’m for jobs, but I’m not for Wal-Mart. I’m for open government, except when a Democrat’s in office, and I want to have the power to do what I want to do without anybody seeing me.”

I mean these people are just — they are so — just total wimps. Come on, Jack, tell us what you really believe, and stand for something, and come out and lead on that basis, Jack. This is — “No, I wanna make sure I don’t offend the women.” This — this is — here you go. Classic example of the castrati, the new castrati. Jack Carter is — has been castrated by the feminization of this culture since he grew up. He’s — he’s three years older than I am. He was subject to the same pressures I was, plus probably even more, what with his dad being in there in the White House and so forth.

You heard, of course, that he and Daryn Kagan broke up recently. (I know, I know)

It sounds like Rush has even more issues with women than he did before. It also sounds like he’s heavily trolling his favorite porn sites. He’s got transexuals and castrati on the brain again.


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