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Don’t Fuck

by digby

I got a track-back from the blog “Responding To the Left” to the post below, specifically the story of the woman who had an abortion because she already had two small children and couldn’t afford another. I think it is an eloquent and honest representation of the way that many in the pro-life movement feel and it’s great to see it out in the open so we can begin to debate this thing honestly:

I don’t really get it. I am supposed to feel sorry for this woman? Does Digby expect me to sympathize with her? I hope not, because she’s a selfish woman who was thinking only of herself.

That’s right. You read that correctly. She couldn’t afford to have another child so she terminated the pregancy. That is selfish. She wanted to have her fun and get laid, but she didn’t want to have to deal with the possible consequences of her actions and guess what people? When a man and a woman have sex and the make is capable of producing sperm and the woman is capable of producing eggs, there is the possibility of the woman getting pregnant.

Digby makes the wisecrack about her not having sex. I can only take from his comment, that he is like so many other’s of the same ilk who believe we’re all like jungle animals and have to hump when the mood strikes. Of course, that isn’t the case. People don’t walk down the street and just bump into each other and start screwing (unless it’s a Cinemax movie). We have the mental capacity to be able to take care of such business in private. We also have the ability to abstain. Nothing is going to happen to us if we don’t have sex.

And if you’re in a position like this woman, a low paying job and two kids already. Guess what? Don’t fuck.

As human beings, we have the cognitive ability to think before we act. The choices we make carry consequences. And we have to accept responsibility for those choices. If we choose to smoke 2 packs of cigarettes a day, we have to accept it when we get lung cancer. If we drink and then drive, we have to accept it if we kill somebody in a car wreck. If we eat at McDonalds every day, then we have to accept it when we gain weight. It’s about choices. Having sex is a choice. It’s as simple as that. Saying, “I can’t afford it” when a woman learns she is pregnant because of that choice is not accepting the results of that choice.

Personally, I believe abortion is a moral issue, not a legal one. Therefore, contrary to my personal feelings regarding abortion, I don’t support South Dakota’s law. As pro-life as I am, I find this law to be too draconian. That’s not going to stop me from calling out this woman as a selfish person who is concerned more with making herself feel good then dealing with the consequences of the choice she made.

This person assumes that I believe humans are animals who can’t control ourselves, but that is wrong. I don’t believe that we are unable to control ourselves, but I do believe it is a fundamental part of life — unstoppable, inexorable, relentless. It is not immoral (even for poor people) to do it. Nor is it even remotely realistic to think they won’t. People have sex and lots of it, even when the “consequences” are severe. It’s basic. And sometimes birth control fails or people lose their heads in the heat of the moment. Accidents happen. It is so banal and mundane and common that it’s a bit bizarre to even have to make that explicit in the argument. Accidental, unwanted pregnancy happens every single day by the millions on this planet. Nature (or perhaps the “intelligent designer”) expects women to get pregnant as often as possible and created the human sex drive to make that happen. Women, independent sentient beings that they are, want to control how many children they have. It’s a constant battle and often times “nature” wins. It isn’t a matter of morality. Sex between consenting people is simply human. And the right to abortion is simply a matter of human liberty — a woman’s right to decide her own fate and a woman’s right to be a normal sexual being. Without both of those things, she can never truly be free.

No, people aren’t mindless animals who can’t control themselves. But, saying to women, “if you can’t afford another child, don’t fuck” is not entirely different than saying “if you can’t afford food, don’t eat.” Of course, she won’t literally die if she doesn’t ever have sex again (or at least until she’s past her fertile years.)But for many women it would be a death of another sort: the death of her humanity. Sex is elemental.

In any case, however much you exhort them not to, women will still have sex and without a right to abortion (and soon birth control) they’ll end up in forced childbirth, bearing more offspring than they can afford and they’ll end up having back alley abortions and they’ll end up dying. I suspect the people who believe having sex if you are unprepared to procreate is irresponsible will find comfort in that.


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