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Trotting Out The Truth

by digby

The NY Times “trots out” a snotty piece today about how the Democrats are “trotting out” the fact that the Republicans have been lax on port security. That “record of failure” is apparently not convincing to the reporter since he/she puts it in “scare quotes.”

Democrats in Congress almost daily blame their GOP counterparts for security holes in the U.S. maritime industry.

They trot out votes that show the Republican-controlled House and Senate turned back more than a dozen Democratic efforts to secure millions of dollars more for port security since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

”When it comes to protecting the ports, Republicans really do have a pre-9/11 mind-set,” said Sen. Evan Bayh, D-Ind.

Among the votes:

–In 2003, House Republicans, on a procedural vote, agreed to kill a Democratic amendment that would have added $250 million for port security grants to a war spending package.

–Two years later, nearly all House Republicans voted against an alternative Homeland Security authorization bill offered by Democrats that called for an additional $400 million for port security.

–Senate Republicans stood together in 2003 to set aside a Democratic amendment that would have provided $120 million more for port cargo screening equipment.

–One year later, all but six Senate Republicans voted to reject a Democratic attempt to add $150 million for port security in a Homeland Security appropriations bill.

That “record of failure” presents “an important opportunity for Democrats to argue that they are the ones who have the right approach to protecting the country,” maintains Geoff Garin, a Democratic pollster.

House Republicans were put on record again last week on port security when Democrats tried to force a debate and vote on legislation that would require congressional approval of DP World’s takeover. The effort failed. Only two Republicans voted with Democrats.

In defense, Republicans say Democrats always want to throw money at untested technology and that the GOP-led Congress has consistently given more money to port security than what the Bush administration has proposed.

Hahaha. Yeah. I hate when Democrats do that:

For the second time in two months, a test of the national missile defense system has failed, Pentagon officials said Monday.[February 15, 2005]

Military technicians say they believe the failure of the $85 million test was caused by a problem with ground support equipment, not with the interceptor missile itself. A preliminary assessment indicated that the fault had occurred in the concrete underground silo, where a variety of sensors perform safety and environmental monitoring.


The program, by some accounts, has cost $130 billion and is scheduled to require $50 billion more over the next five years. Bush’s budget request for the 2006 fiscal year cut about 10 percent from this year’s funding of almost $10 billion.

Do Republicans have any good arguments anymore? Aside from leaving themsleves wide open with a charge like that about untested technology, the Republicans in congress are reduced to saying that at least they gave more money for port security than their “tax cuts for millionaires” obsessive president. They are starting to make it look easy and that’s never good for our side. I sincerely hope that Democrats are prepared and hungry enough to go for the jugular.


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