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Dear Amy Sullivan

by tristero

I see you’ve apologized for the knee-jerk left comment. I’m glad you have the guts to know when you’re wrong and admit it.

But then you persist in getting it all wrong:

I do think there is a tendency on the part of some on the left to criticize conservative politicians on the basis of their religious views.

Jeebus, Amy, of course there is! That is a GOOD THING! They SHOULD be criticized! They HAVE to be criticized! And YOU should be among the first to let them have it! Why?

First of all, they’re the ones that bring the subject of religion up in a political context, over and over and over, and – as with the fight over science in the classrooms – when it is wildly inappropriate. They’re the ones making a political issue out of religion. Therefore, it can, and must be forcefully addressed.

Secondly, they’re certifiably crazy. Case in point: This fanatical, bigoted bastard is a close friend of Bush. THAT is why sensible people like Moyers and Phillips are alarmed about an imminent theocracy. And Graham is only one of dozens, many of whom make this guy look as liberal as Jesse Jackson. Amy, do you know how close this country came recently to approving a Christian Reconstructionist agenda as science in public schools? These people are serious about a theocracy. And seriously insane.

Thirdly, they are trying to disguise their purely secular lust for power by hiding behind the skirts of priests. I’d think a religious person like yourself would be the first to be horrified and disgusted at their corruption of Christian belief for political gain. They are cowards and they are liars. They cannot be permitted to advance a secular agenda under the guise of faith.

And fourth, do you have any idea of the filth that spews from these pigs’ mouth on a regular basis about the religious beliefs of liberals? Of Democrats? Of well-known public figures? Against Muslims? Against Jews? Against members of Christian denominations they disagree with? What makes their beliefs immune to criticism? Because they talk the Good Talk, and profess they are people of faith in the traditional cadences of evangelical American Christianity ? Anyone can do that, and has done that. But people of faith aren’t cowards and sneaks who pretend that a religious agenda is a scientific theory that deserves equal time. But that’s what these people do.

Bottom line, Amy: You want people to stop criticizing your religious beliefs, you don’t deliberately make them a political issue. You don’t make them the focus of serious discussions of government policy. Otherwise, your personal religious beliefs are fair game.

And this is said by someone who has demonstrated the utmost respect, tolerance, and interest in the beliefs of all faiths. It is because of their persistent intolerance of other people’s religion and politics that conservative political operatives get no free pass from me. They blaspheme Christ by bringing the Gospels into a partisan political struggle. I am amazed that you, of all bloggers, think that’s not proper to criticize. It most certainly is. The Republican exploitation and hijacking of religious belief is a dangerous travesty of public piety. And it’s at these people – the Dobsons, the Falwells, the Grahams, the Frists, and yeah, the Brownbacks – your anger should be directed. Not at pious, intelligent patriots like Bill Moyers, for heavens sakes!



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