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Our Best Interests

by digby

What an interesting article. Apparently, David Kirkpatrick is on the “conservative beat” this week for the NY Times and has the big scoop that the Republicans are all atwitter with scary tales of Democrats impeaching the president if they take the House and Senate. “Conservative beat” sources like Limbaugh and Weyrich and the Wall Street Journal editorial page are quoted saying that they are gleeful and excited that the Democrats have handed them this present and it’s onward to victory!

How generous of them to give this warning so that Dems have a chance to dodge that bullet. That’s why the “conservative beat” of the New York Times is such a godsend for liberals. When concerned Republicans need a platform from which to warn the Democrats about where they are going wrong they know they can go there and get their message out. In this case they feel it is only fair to give Democratic politicians a heads up that if they pursue things like Feingold’s motion the Republican base will go wild.

They humbly remind them that the Republicans paid big time for impeaching president Clinton. (Why, if they hadn’t done that they might have an even bigger majority in the House, Senate and Supreme Court than they have today!) I’m sure that the Democrats will take heed and not make the mistake of giving the Republicans any issue with which to motivate their base.

The question is, what are Democrats going to do to motivate theirs?


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