Words Speak Louder Than Actions?
by digby
So Firedoglake tells me that Lemming Bayh is in favor of the new rage in Washington — if a Republican breaks the law, then just change the law! As the NY Times editorial board wrote earlier this week about president Bush’s domestic advisor Claude Allen: “If the current Congress had been called on to intervene in the case of Mr. Allen, it would probably have tried to legalize shoplifting.”
Bayh, in a torrent of process talk, explained that he doesn’t support Feingold’s measure because:
… the first thing Democrats need to do, Bayh said, is take Republicans on in an area they’ve dominated: national security.
“It’s a threshold issue for us, and it’s a threshold issue for America,” Bayh said. “People aren’t going to trust us with anything else if we first can’t convince them to trust us with their lives.”
All the great Democratic strategists know that the best way to do that is to blather incessantly about “what Democrats need to do,” while simultaneously rubber stamping every crackpot GOP security program no matter how lawless or unnecessary. Yielding submissively to the Republican dominance you profess to be “taking on” is an excellent way to convince people that you can protect them. Great plan. Awesome.