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Animal Magnetism

by digby

Since this is shaping up to be bloggy fun day, I can’t help but weigh in on this delicious little dust-up over at Jeff Goldstein’s dog house pertaining to none other than my pal and blogging companion, tristero.

Tristero already wrote about it, as you all probably know. But he failed to properly highlight Goldstein’s bizarrre and freakish dog-fantasy comment, which I feel is important for posterity. I suspect it was because he felt that its exceedingly disturbing images of bestiality might have been too vile and odious for discerning readers. He is right. But I believe that there should be a record of right wing insanity and I think people should be forced to look at it so they know that when these same people claim the left is unhinged, they are merely projecting their own incredibly fucked up psyches on to others.

These are the people, remember, who claim to have better values than you:

Today’s subject: tristero, who (let’s face it) has the intellect of a gibbon, though he clearly fancies himself a brilliant debunker of lockstep winguttery. In fact, his post
(as seen on Digbysblog) – Loven stole HIS idea about the strawmans, we’re told / and Atrios was exactly right that I’m an idiot who doesn’t realize my own idiocy (a pronouncement, incidentally, that can only be made by one who assumes he is far more intelligent than the object of his scorn, which position essentially deconstructs the study in the Atrios post tristero fellates, or else proves it to his detriment, I’m not sure which) – is par for the course with these bandwidth sucking cocklords. You allow them to stay and say their piece, and they interpret that as a “right” that you now owe them, and they then take that as an invitation to start helping themselves to things in the fridge, or slipping a finger up your dog’s asshole, etc.

Well, sorry, but that ain’t my thang. These fucktards want to take shots at me on their own sites, they can have at it. But from now on, they can keep it there, or they can bitch about me on sites I don’t give a shit about anyway.

What they can’t do is take pot shots at me on other sites, then slather some peanut butter on their joints and show up here hoping to help themselves to a quick hummer from my dog.

So goodbye to tristero. And there will be others, as well. I won’t let this place turn into the cesspole Cole nurtures.

And seriously, what did tristero offer here? He’s a mouthpiece for lib-Dem talking points, from the few posts of his I read, and I have more interesting conversations with beets and sea monkeys than I ever could with someone who is so bent on getting noticed by Atrios that he’s already committed to sing a Katrina and the Waves cover at the next Eschacon – while wearing nothing but one of those bitchin’ Che berets.

Keep in mind that tristero’s post on Goldstein’s blog was inoffensive. It was the post on this blog that got him banned. The offensive line?: “Hat tip to Jeff at Protein Wisdom who really is exactly as Atrios describes him.”

That’s it. That’s what brought on this gut-wrenching, noxious screed. Somebody appears to have a very, very thin skin.

But let’s talk about the rather, shall we say, hallucinatory imagery we see in that post. I’m beginning to think that someone needs to do a serious psychological study of the effects of bestiality on conservative politics (or is it the effects of conservative politics on bestiality?) There are just too many instances of this for it to be a coincidence. Lil’ Benji and his box turtles, Santorum and his man-on-dog action, Rush and his fantasies of women and german shepards, Laura Bush and the horse cocks — the list goes on. (Oh boy, here comes another round of freaky google hits. Hello Abu, howya doin?)

Here’s Rush:

“…the trend toward more new mothers leaving the workforce. Yes, it’s a trend. It started years ago when the feminist movement decided that their best friends were going to be German shepherds. You know. So that’s — well, it’s true. You go to the right airports and you can see it.”

What is it about these people that makes them constantly think of animal sex? (In Rush’s case it’s also an obsession with being tortured by women, but that’s another story.) When you think about how to insult a political rival, does your mind automatically turn to bestiality? Mine doesn’t. The idea of someone slathering their joint and asking the dog for a hummer has literally never entered my mind. (And I have a dirty mind.) But this goes way beyond any pornographic visual I have ever entertained. Ever. In fact, it makes me sick. Sticking your finger up a dog’s ass is something that I would think only occurs to veterinarians and perverts.

This imagery is not exactly well … mainstream. And yet, right wingers seem to come up with it all the time. I know that pets are part of the family and all, but I don’t this is what most Americans have in mind when they hear the wingnuts lecturing everyone about family values. And, just because it’s a dog doesn’t mean it isn’t sodomy, you know. Even if your dog’s a girl.


Now, I’ve got a picture of Jeff Goldstein wearing nothing but an “Uncle Sam Wants You” t-shirt, his joint slathered from top to bottom with a 1/4 teaspoon of peanut butter, singing “How much is that doggie in the window?” If you’ll excuse me, I have to go puke and then get my brain dry-cleaned.

Oh, not just because of the synapse frying revulsion of that image. Sorry. As bad as that is, I can take it. It’s this, featuring even more disturbing bestial images — and even worse writing.

Thanks to Hilzoy at Obsidion Wings for that coup de grace. She shall burn in hell for making me read that.

Update: Oh. My. Dear. God. This peanut butter thing is part of the whole Abu Ghraib horror. Read Jeanne D’Arc.


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