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The Moral Relativism Of The Right

by tristero

Like gambling and cheating on your wife, plagiarism’s a moral disgrace, except when rightwing conservatives do it:

And now those opposed to Ben have googled prior writings that on the surface appear suspicious, but only because permissions obtained and judgments made offline were not reflected online by an out dated and out of business** campus newspaper. But that’s all the opponents want – just enough to sabotage a career, though in the process they will sabotage themselves. Facts have no meaning. Only impressions have any bearing on this. The charges of plagarism [sic] are false, meant to bring down a good and honest man. The presented facts to prove plagarism are specious — products of shoddy work.

Don’t you love the Austin Powers “This is not my Swedish Penis Enlarger” defense? Because the paper is out of business and nobody can produce any possible agreements, therefore the charges are specious, shoddy work. Y’can’t prove they didn’t have those agreements, can you? Riiiiiiiight.*

Well at least our Red State comrade got this right:

Facts have never been debate winners among the haters. This is another example.

Indeed, and that is why it is so deplorable that a hater like Domenech has a job at the Washington Post. Domenech called Coretta Scott King a “communist” surely knowing the communist canard was code among racists to vilify the Kings.

Of course, it goes without saying the Red Stater will claim those remarks of poor Ben were decent, intelligent, and fact-based. Which just goes to show how deeply far right wing hate will corrupt one’s soul.

*Oh, if only this amount of proof was something the right demanded from God’s Avatar Here On Earth, the man they call “Commander-In-Chief” whenever they can, to emphasize we owe HIm unthinking obedience.

[Update: Corrected and expanded after original post.]

**{Update: Thanks to our intrepid gang of commenters, I’ve learned this is a lie. The paper is not out of business. Go here for an editorial on Domenech mess. The extent to which the rightwing will lie never ceases to amaze me. The moral of the story is this:

If a rightwinger says, “Gee, the sun is shining, gonna be a beautiful day!” grab your galoshes and umbrella.

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