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Terminal Dork

by digby

Oh hell. Lil’ Benji resigned. And just when it was starting to get fun.

I did want to make one last point before the Post hires a disgraced South Korean scientist to clone David Brooks and the kid fades into obscurity. This sad homeschooled little fellow, who failed to learn how the world works the way the rest of us do — in high school — was evidently considered quite the arbiter of popular culture in his crowd. His “Red Dawn” obsession gave us all quite a few laughs over the past few days. But it is no surprise that he plagiarized huge numbers of film and album reviews and stole outright a humorous essay from PJ O’Rourke (the only funny conservative on the planet) on how to party. These are things a true wingnut cannot understand.

The vast majority of right wingers are simply incapable of cool, even the frat rats like Junior, although the bonafide dorks always believe they are. (Karl Rove, mesmerized by the 23 year old Junior’s insouciant chewing and bubble blowing, says his first impression was “He was …. cool.”) They can’t help it. I don’t know why. Look what’s happened to Dennis Miller.


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