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How Domenech Can Redeem His Sorry Ass.

by tristero

Many bloggers have suggested that the recently unemployed Ben Domenech should seriously consider signing up for service in the military (but not, presumably, as a blogger for the Army Times). Far be it for me to disagree, but I would like to suggest an equally worthy alternative.

Ben can grab himself one of those groovy new digital videocams, catch the next plane to Iraq, and hitch-hike around, carefully filming all the good news in the country. You know what I’m talking about, Ben: All the schools opening, the pipelines flowing, the new businesses being generated (terrorism insurance not included; that’s been covered), the overstaffed hospitals, the fearless Iraqi policemen, and the many public squares all over Iraq’s villages and towns renamed in honor of George W. Bush.

Most importantly, Ben can document on video the thousands of truly poignant stories of Sunni and Shiites putting aside their ancient differences to embrace each other as fellow Muslims. now working together to forge the future destiny of their beloved homeland.

This is the perfect chance for Ben, the legendary gentleman that Jeff and his pals at RedState perceive, to redeem himself. Since no one’s been able to find these sorts of stories and live to tell them, he’ll be reporting completely unique news.

No one could possibly accuse him of plagiarizing. Faking the videos, maybe. But not plagiarzing.

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