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Tony Flips A Bird And A Jeffy

by tristero

Check it out:

Minutes after receiving the Eucharist at a special Mass for lawyers and politicians at Cathedral of the Holy Cross, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia had a special blessing of his own for those who question his impartiality when it comes to matters of church and state.

“You know what I say to those people?” Scalia, 70, replied, making an obscene gesture under his chin when asked by a Herald reporter if he fends off a lot of flak for publicly celebrating his conservative Roman Catholic beliefs.

“That’s Sicilian,” the Italian jurist said, interpreting for the “Sopranos” challenged.

I think we got a Jeffy, boys and girls. Yes, many have questioned Tony’s partiality on church/state rulings and for very good reasons: he’s told the world in his writings that he is prepared deliberately to misread the Declaration of Independence to establish his religious beliefs. In particular, Tony wrote that it is a mistake to think that, in his words, ” a democratic government, being nothing more than the composite will of its individual citizens [sick]”* has any moral power that does not derive directly from the authority of God. And since that belief is downright anti-American and theocratic, it’s no wonder Tony has alarmed so many patriots who question his ability to judge objectively when it comes to church/state issues.

But has anyone, anywhere, anytime ever criticized Tony, or any other Catholic politician or judge, merely for celebrating Mass in public and for no other reason? And not because of their extra-religious political views?

Not likely. And so we have today’s first official Jeffy.

*Note to the humor challenged: That was not a typo. Not “sic” but “sick,” as in a mistakenly sick thing to believe. Get it? No? Oh, well, never mind.

[Update: The question the reporter asked doesn’t count. It was a question, not a criticism.]

[Update: Scalia seems to be losing it. Understandable given that he’s apparently got a son in harm’s way in the Bush/Iraq war. Who could possibly be objective about war tribunals given how hysterical and irrational Tony sounds about it? He has to recuse himself.

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