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Who Else Can They Steal From?

by digby

Via Wolcott (who promotes this as “L’il Debbie Snackcake versus Monica the Harmonica!”) I see that plagiarism is actually epidemic on the right and that it’s, unsurprisingly, embittering some of those who are being ripped off by their ideological brethren. This explains why PJ O’Rourke didn’t sound any happier about Lil’ Benji stealing his words than NRO sounded when they had to admit that they’d published stolen movie reviews.

I’m sure the rightwing plagiarists would prefer to steal from liberals if they could, but for obvious reasons that won’t work. It’s an interesting conundrum for wingnut hacks, isn’t it?

(And who would have ever dreamed that Jerome Corsi was dishonest? Why you could bowl me over with a feather…)


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