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Interspecies Marriage

by digby

Far be it for me to cast aspersions on anyone’s choice of spouse. I’m a romantic. “Let me not to the marriage of true minds, admit impediments” and all that other crap.

But I think this illustrates some of what is going on with our political media — and why those of us who are left of center find the cries of “liberal media” increasingly absurd.

The political media and political establishment are intertwined — indeed, they are intermarried:

Campbell Brown, left, co-anchor of NBC News’ ‘Weekend Today’ and primary correspondent for ‘NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams’ and the weekday ‘Today’ and her new husband, Dan Senor, former Bush foreign policy advisor and current Republican strategist and Fox News Analyst, smile after their wedding ceremony at The Beaver Creek Chapel in Beaver Creek, Colorado, Sunday, April 2, 2006.

There is nothing new about this. I’m sure that journalists have been intermarrying with the people they cover for decades (haven’t they?) Certainly it’s pretty common today. People need to keep this in mind when they evaluate the mainstream media. It’s part of the mix. The Washington establishment works together, plays together — and sleeps together. They are part of the same organism. And that’s why it’s valuable to have an alternative media outside the beltway to offer different perspectives on politics and current events. We don’t have to face people we cover over cocktail weenies in the evening or over the pillow in the morning.

Congratulations Dan ‘n Campbell. May your marriage be as happy as the union of common interests between the GOP and the corporate media.

hat tip to Jane Hamsher.


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