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Reverend Tom: Scourge Of The Termites, Saviour Of The Right

by tristero

At the time I wrote my post suggesting, among other things that it would be better to concentrate on cleaning up the messes DeLay created than on whatever punishment DeLay will receive for the myriad offenses he’s committed, I was unaware of the interview with TIME that DeLay gave and which Digby quotes. My bad. I should have realized from the getgo what the future will likely hold for Tom DeLay.

There is so much money to be had in the rightwing christianist racket, and so much potential for power trips and money scams that it would be a miracle – a genuine miracle – if DeLay doesn’t reinvent himself as the Second Coming of Chuck Colson. What to do? I suspect there is probably a legal way to keep DeLay’s paws out of politics but to ban him from religious work that just maybe have an intersection with American politics – now that’s gonna be hard.

Reverend Tom…a nauseating thought because it’s so plausible as to be very likely.

One thing to do is to make sure that his crimes – and their consequences – are made abundantly, publicly clear, so that whenever Reverend Tom claims he’s been washed pure in the Blood of the Lamb, people will remember that the blot on his character is stained deep.

So I apologize for so much as suggesting DeLay can be safely ignored merely because his congressional career is over. He can’t and he shouldn’t be.

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