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Hissy Fit

by digby

If you didn’t get to see Little Lord Fauntleroy have a temper tantrum in front of the press today, do yourself a favor and check it out.

HENRY: Mr. President, you make it a practice of not commenting on potential personnel move.


HENRY: Calling it speculation.

BUSH: And you can understand why. Because we’ve got people’s reputations at stake. And on Friday I stood up and said I don’t appreciate the speculation about Don Rumsfeld. He’s doing a fine job. I strongly support him.

HENRY: But what do you say to critics who believe that you’re ignoring the advice of retired generals, military commanders, who say that there needs to be a change?

BUSH: I say I listen to all voices, but mine’s the final decision and Don Rumsfeld is doing a fine job. He’s not only transforming the military, he’s fighting a war on terror. He’s helping us fight a war on terror. I have strong confidence in Don Rumsfeld. I hear the voices and I read the front page and I know the speculation, but I’m the decider and I decide what is best and what’s best is for Don Rumsfeld to remain as the secretary of defense. I want to thank you all very much.

At which point he stomped off in a huff. Seriously.

This is particularly interesting in light of this amazing article in this week’s Prospect about the Cheney cabal:

Says one insider deeply involved in U.S. policy toward North Korea: “The president is given only the most basic notions about the Korea issue. They tell him, ‘Above South Korea is a country called North Korea. It is an evil regime.’ … So that translates into a presidential decision: Why enter into any agreement with an evil regime?”

I’m the decider! I yam, I yam! Evil, evil, evil.

Once again, I am stunned that the Republicans had the gall to foist this manchild on the United States of America — and that so many Americans accepted it for so long. There’s a lot of talk in the wingnutsphere about “Bush Derangement Syndrome” which says that we are all suffering form irrational hatred of Dear Leader. But it’s not accurate. Bush is just a spoiled, deluded little boy, pushed into a job that was obvious to any sentient being would be too much for him. My righteous anger is for the big money pooh bahs like Dick Cheney who would gamble with this country’s future by choosing a brand name in an empty suit for president. They proved that they can sell anything, I’ll give them that. But as with their other colossal marketing success and business failure, Enron, the sales job couldn’t cover the corruption and poor planning forever. Therefore, I blame the Republican Party more than little Junior. He’s just a pathetic loser who believed his own hype — responsible for his actions, of course, but not the mastermind.

From his little tirade today, it appears that he’s feeling like his authority is being questioned. That’s just funny. It took his this long to figure out that he’s not really in charge?

Update: Joe Gandelman has more.


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