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Every Wingnut For Himself

by digby

Uh Oh. The Republicans are starting to fight over the mouldering corpse of Ronald Reagan. The end is nigh.

The elites in the GOP have never understood conservatives or Reagan; they’ve found both to be a bit tacky. They have always found the populists’ commitment to values unsettling. To them, adherence to conservative principles was always less important than wealth and power.

Unfortunately, the GOP has lost its motivating ideals. The revolution of 1994 has been killed not by zeal but by a loss of faith in its own principles. The tragedy is not that we are faced with another fight for the soul of the Republican Party but that we have missed an opportunity to bring a new generation of Americans over to our point of view.

Ah yes. But, remember, it’s because these greedy elites like William Kristol aren’t really conservatives, after all. The real conservatives are putting their tiny little feet down.

It was the populists under Reagan, and later under Newt Gingrich, who energized the party, gave voice to a maturing conservative ideology and swept Republicans into power. We would be imprudent and forgetful to disregard this. But it may be too late, because conservatives don’t want to be part of the looming train wreck. They know that this is no longer Ronald Reagan’s party.

Rats deserting the sinking ship of state. What a bunch of chickenshits.

Update: TBOGG finds some serious right wing doom and gloom over at The Corner.

Thanks to JM

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