V For Victory
by digby
Give a big shout out to Move-On and Matt Stoller for successfully turning out grassroots support for net neutrality. It just passed the House judiciary committee 20-13.
This was a real grassroots victory — until recently, it seemed like an easy gimme to the wealthy telcos. This is good news for us intrepid bloggers, but it’s good news for the internet in general. Much like the FEC regulations that we managed to stave off earlier my support for net neutrality not based upon a general disdain for regulation. Regulation is often a necessary thing. But this medium is just too new, too important and too democratizing to allow corporate interests to sneak in the back door with phony concerns designed simply to enhance their profits at others’ expense.
If the internet needs regulating in some presently unimagined way, I’m sure we will all see it. Right now, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.