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by digby

Bush is on TV right now, going on and on about Al Zarqawi being a criminal mastermind whose raison d’etre was to stop democracy in iraq. Blah, blah, blah.

Does he have any credibility at all these days? I hear this stuff and my first reaction is to say “sez who?” I realize that I’m a member of the partisan angry left and all, but I have to suspect that at 30%, I’m not the only one. I look at the guy now and see nothing but a lying loser.

Imagine what other world leaders think. Or terrorists. It’s dangerous.

Update: Get a load of this:

People are goin’ ta look back on this moment in history and say a democracy in Iraq helped change the world for the better and helped provide security. It certainly helped address the simmering resentment that exists in a part of a region that for too long has been ignored, see…

It’s addressed it allright. Jesus, what a delusional fool he is. We’ll be lucky if 9/11 and Iraq are the worst things that happened to us under this idiots leadership.


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