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Knight In Shining Armor

by digby

I’m busy today so I won’t have time until later tonight to write about a couple of things that are on my mind, so I thought I’d entertain you with this stirring defense of Ann Coulter from Wingnut Ted, who sends me these e-mails all the time, looking for a link and an argument. They never fail to give me a chuckle.

He calls it “Defending Ann Coulter:”

Key Facts:

1) She is a graduate of an Ivy League College and top rated law school and so is perhaps 10 times more intelligent than most of her critics.

2) Her latest book, which caused the “9/11 widows controversy” is 300 solid pages of sophisticated arguments befitting a sophisticated lawyer, that virtually all of those who hate her can’t understand, let alone respond to except with obscenity or silly, childlike ranting.

3) She describes herself as a controversialist which I think is accurate. Others describes her as a satirist; also accurate. This means she exaggerates to attract attention. She doesn’t exaggerate facts or arguments but rather the environment around the facts and arguments.

4) She is also very pretty, sexy, and aggressive which attracts even more attention because, when combined with her intelligence, it makes for a very unusual and interesting combination.

5) She adds to her mystique by smiling and laughing a lot as she displays her absolute contempt for the absolute stupidity of Democrats. It makes you doubt that she is just a pugnacious lawyer who fights as a professional or as a personality type, and might be a caring person trying bravely to save civilization from the Democrats.

6) Shakespeare said people come to their fame by accident, talent, or hard work. Ann came to hers by all three I think, while the “9/11 widows” came to theirs primarily by accident. But, to start an argument that challenges the logic or truth of what people say based on how they got to be in a position to say something, is an intellectually fruitless dead end. If, though, such an argument can create a controversy that sells books that help defeat Democrats it is perhaps worth the somewhat tainted effort, certainly to Ms. Coulter and her publisher anyway, and probably to the nation.

7) If you said to someone 10 years ago that in 10 years the Republicans will have cheerleading allies like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Fox News, Billy O’Reilly, Michael Savich, Ann Coulter, and dozens of others, with a weekly audience of perhaps 50 million adults you’d be sure the Democrats were about to disappear. That the Democrats stand to become the majority in the next election may indicate that nobody is listening at all, or perhaps not.

8) No one can really explain why it is that criticizing four 9/11 widows for statements that seemingly reflect little more than the irrational mumbling of four grief stricken widows is more controversial than the serious and detailed accusation, in the book, that liberals naturally enable pedophiles, rapists, and murderers?

The most obvious explanation is that Democrats (Sheldon Silver being the very best example) do love criminals because they are the natural product of the foul country they hate so much. The more vicious the criminal the more Democrats know they are right about America. Rudeness toward four grieving widows can then be seen as the greater offense because genuine criminality is not really criminality to a Democrat, it is vindication.

In fairness, one has to mention that hatred of America isn’t the only reason Democrats prefer criminals. Money seems to be the other motivation. Lawyers are the greatest contributors to Democrats. The Democratic defense bar would suffer tremendously under the simple Republican regime of mandatory minimums and throwing away the key.

9) Republican intellectuals like Ms. Coulter have to be largely forgiven because there are very few good targets around these days. Does Sheldon Silver go on TV in our supposed democracy to explain his position on pedophilia? Does Ted Kennedy go on TV to explain is love of socialism after seeing it in Nazi Germany, The Soviet Union, Communist China, and Cuba? Democrats prefer abortion to love, treason or surrender to national defense, failed public schools to successful private ones, looting of public pensions to safe, secure, and extremely profitable private pensions, divorce to marriage, crime to punishment, inflation to monetarism, gov’t monopoly to efficient competition, 50 Cent to Pat Boone,labor unions that mass produce unemployment to companies that produce sustainable jobs, and France to America.

The Democrats don’t dare defend the indefensible so what is a Republican to do? Sometimes they end up in a duel with 9/11 widows and others the Democrats use as human shields.

10) Oddly, and quite tragically most intellectuals are Democrats? In fact, some believe the rise of liberalism actually represents little more than the failure of the Ivy League, which, many would argue, sets the entire world’s political agenda. But these liberal Ivy League intellectuals won’t defend the indefensible either. They are no where to be seen. So how did this happen? Its simple really: they are against America the way a doctor is against cancer. If America weren’t a cancer to them they would have little value any more than a medical doctor would have value to someone without cancer. They would have to get real jobs.

For a time, after The Communist Manifesto and after the Depression, there was a some legitimate debate that did need to be resolved. Much to the surprise of the neglected Ivy League it was largely resolved by Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and their lingering friend, Castro. Nowadays they live on in what must be a left wing schizophrenic hell, pretending to be intellectual and radical thinkers with a bold new transformative prescription for America, when in reality they are deathly afraid to come out of their ivory towers where the long discredited anti-Americanism to which they so desperately cling, if only by default, would be exposed by the likes of an of Ann Coulter.

11) So how do the Democrats do so well electorally while being AWOL from our Democracy? They dumb down the electorate. They started Air America Radio whose daytime line up features three comedians: Jerry Springier, Al Frankin and Jeanine Garafalo. They register convicted felons and everyone conceivable through the “make every vote count” initiative, no matter what their qualifications. They produce slick 30 second TV commercials. They buy every vote they get with their tax and spend philosophy (really tax and buy votes subversion). They promise that they are more caring than Republicans. In short, they do everything possible to steal votes and everything possible to avoid a very American democratic debate. They hate Ann Coulter because her very presence serves notice on them that they are intellectually bankrupt, too cowardly for debate, and shamefully reduced to silence or sexual/scatological imprecations.

I think Ted needs to join the wingnut welfare queens over at NRO, don’t you? He’s better than K-Lo.


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