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Tired Of Jimmy Swaggert Tears

by digby

Here’s another reason for Democrats to stop running scared and start running on privacy:

Latest Gallup Poll:

“The public is divided … on whether the federal government should be involved in promoting moral values, with 48% saying it should and 48% saying it should not. In 1996, Americans took a very different view on this matter, with 60% saying the government should be involved and 38% saying it should not… That change appears to be a fairly recent phenomenon.” From 1993 until recently, majorities of at least 10 percentage points chose “Government should promote traditional values” over “should not favor any values.”

People are getting sick of these phony busybodies blathering on about moral values when everybody knows they are anything but moral. There’s always been a strain of moral sanctimony in America. And there’s always been an equally strong strain that wants to shove a grapefruit in their faces. It looks like we might be coming back into balance.

(Speaking of which, is everyone excited about this week’s Deadwood? I know I am…)


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