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“Licking Their Chops”

by digby

I think it might be time to really hit journalists with some poll numbers. they clearly do not have a clue where the American people really stand and are reflexively reporting the tired, outmoded (and increasingly absurd) GOP narrative about the election.

Media matters caught CNN’s Dana Bash at it this morning, a segment that made my eyes roll when I saw it. It’s not just the words she mindlessly repeats, it’s an attitude and a tone. (You can see the video at the link too.)

Republicans, I can tell you, they’re already licking their chops. They are sending around this talking points memo to their supporters, to talk radio hosts. We’re going to hear from the Republican National Committee chairman later on. Essentially the headline of this is: “Defining the defeat-ocrats.” They think this plays right into their storyline this election year, that Democrats are being taken over by the left wing of their party. And from their perspective, that’s not good for the country.

Please. Every bit of that statement is GOP hype. They may be pretending to lick their chops but they are really dreading the coming election due to the fact that their president and their policies are extremely unpopular. They are way down in the generic polls, the country has lost faith in their leaders and the biggest issue in the election — the war — is an issue on which the Republicans are desperately out of sync with the country. They know very well the Democratic party is not being “taken over” by its left wing and that a large and growing majority in the country agree with the Democrats. Clearly, the events in Connecticut last night were not an endorsement of their policies. They don’t give a damn about what’s “good for the country” at this point because contrary to Bash’s very upbeat report, the GOP is focused solely on hanging on to its majority in an increasingly hostile environment. Jayzuz.

Update: It isn’t just Iraq. Again from Media Matters:

Greg Sargent first noted the Post’s omission in a post on TPM Café:

Deep in the guts of that big Washington Post poll today is a startling number that didn’t make it into the Post’s accompanying article. It reads: Which political party, the (Democrats) or the (Republicans), do you trust to do a better job handling the U.S. campaign against terrorism?

The answer: Democrats 46%, Republicans 38% That’s right: this poll’s respondents preferred Dems not just on Iraq, but on the broader war on terror. If this number accurately reflects the electorate’s mood, this may represent a watershed moment at which Americans have stopped reflexively believing the GOP is better on terrorism in general. Two questions: Will future polls show the same? And how much longer will media commentators keep saying that the GOP automatically has the advangage on national security issues?

Three of the last four Washington Post polls have found that a plurality of Americans trust Democrats rather than Republicans to handle the “campaign against terrorism.” Four consecutive Post polls — and seven of the last eight — have found that a plurality trust Democrats more when it comes to handling “the situation in Iraq.” The lone exception found the parties tied.

Yet the Post, like other news organizations, has routinely touted terrorism and other national security issues as political advantages for the GOP, both through its own assertions and through casual acceptance of Republican claims.


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