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Reality Check

by digby

Jonathan Schwarz takes a look at reality:

Apparently there’s some kind of batsignal for the U.S. punditocracy that tells them all what to write each week. This week their orders are to inform us that the Democrats had better watch out for those far-left elitists like Ned Lamont, who will with their extreme anti-war positions lead them to defeat just like George McGovern did.


This might make you wonder certain things—like, was opposition to Vietnam the “wealthy, educated” position? I know it’s fun to listen to stories from Uncle Dave B[roder], and extremely boring to look at reality. But let’s give reality a shot just this once. Here’s a Gallup poll from January, 1971:

Check it out. You won’t believe what you are seeing. (Hint: “Real Americans” were not the hawks after all.)

And check out the recent polls about isolationism vs internationalism. It looks to me as if people don’t know what they are voting for.


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