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“I’m Nothing Like Her, Nothing!”

by digby

I was perusing the Limbaugh web site (subs. only) for some specific Lieberman info and I was quite surprised at the defensiveness we netkooks seem to engender in the old gasbag. He haaates being being compared to us more than anything:

LIMBAUGH: Isn’t it interesting, by the way, these people are just flat out loonies; they are insane kooks, these left wing blog types, yet they are treated with great reverence and great respect and fear in the Drive-By Media and Democratic Party circles — and yet let Pat Buchanan run for president; let his supporters, you know, do their number, and the whole focus is on how insane Buchanan supporters were, how wacko, how dangerous and so forth they are. These people are being pumped up as though they are actual factors. They can’t sell books; they don’t generate much of anything other than a bunch of hot air amongst themselves. Because they’re liberals and because they hate Bush, the Drive-By Media loves them. So her question again to John Harwood. “Well, we know Lamont’s campaign in many ways has been driven by the netroots, many bloggers very supportive of him. What about that?”

HARWOOD: What the netroots Democrats are trying to do in some ways, they’ve got their own way of emulating Republicans because in the Republican Party today, conservatives drive the train, they get nominated, and they win elections. Can these netroots Democrats win nomination contests and then win general elections? Conventional wisdom has been that their Democratic liberal base is not large enough to do that.

RUSH: Well, let me clue you in, John. To compare the liberal netroots, these literally insane kooks to the conservative base is where you’re off base, is where you’re missing the point. It is not a bunch of kooks, it is not a bunch of extremist wackos and it’s not a bunch of fringe minority members who drive the conservative train or who drive the Republican Party train. So to compare the netroots to the mainstream conservatives that dominant the Republican Party is the first mistake that is made, but again, it’s a Drive-By Media guy and they’ve got their template and of course there’s no such thing as a fringe liberal, but fringe Republicans are all over the place. The only problem is there just aren’t enough of these liberals. Can you believe that? There aren’t enough liberals. Life is so unfair, folks. There just aren’t enough liberals to compete with the conservatives in their base operations.

Keep telling yourself that Oxy-boy.

He can’t quite make up his mind whether the Democratic party loves us or hates us, but no matter what, Rush starts snivelling like a spoiled little schoolboy whenever anyone suggests that he is equivalent to lefty bloggers. It’s hilarious.

RUSH: This is from the Beltway Boys on the Fox News Channel on Saturday.

KONDRACKE: Ned Lamont represents — if he wins — represents a triumph in the Democratic Party for the, Howard Dean, Daily Kos, Michael Moore, left wing of the Democratic Party, which is not only, you know, bad on foreign policy, but on globalization, but is also just as nasty and mean on the left as Rush Limbaugh and those other hot dogs on the right.

RUSH: What has gotten into this guy? He knows better than this. There has to be some reason for this. He knows that this program is not on the same page as those guys. But let’s talk about this Lieberman thing because the latest announcement is that Der Schlick Meister is going in there to campaign for him. I’ll tell you the reason why, folks. It’s really not complicated. The Democrats, more and more of them, are really getting afraid of the MoveOn.orgs and the Daily Koses and these wackos at the Democrat Underground. They’re trying to deflect as much of the influence of these people as possible.

Limbaugh, you see, thinks of himself as a serious player, invited into all the finest homes in DC, married by a supreme court justice, the chosen voice of the most powerful people in the world. He’s very important. It totally unfair to lump him in with all us nobodies!

Poor Rush. When you get right down to it, after all the money and all the fame, he’s just another mean and nasty kook. That’s certainly not news to us — but it seems to be news to him.


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