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A Plea For Comity And Respect

by tristero

You won’t find it from me. Not when it comes to opposing the fascist incompetents running this country. Not after the adulterous Gingrich said this:

COLMES: We were just talking about [House Democratic Leader] Nancy Pelosi [CA] and what she wants to do in this effort to perhaps get Rumsfeld removed. He recently made some very controversial comments, basically suggesting that critics of the Iraq war are tantamount to Hitler’s appeasers. Do you agree with him on those comments?

GINGRICH: Essentially, sure. I mean, I think you’ve got to say that —

COLMES: You’re calling appeasers people who disagree with the Bush policy administration —


COLMES: — comparing them to those who enabled Hitler?


COLMES: That’s an astounding comment —

GINGRICH: GINGRICH: What’s your — what’s your — why? Why is it astounding?

COLMES: — that’s a very insulting comment —

GINGRICH: It’s not an insulting comment.

Nor after Rice compared Bush/Iraq to the Civil War and critics of Bush to people who would tolerate slavery.

And let’s not forget: It’s only September. The Bush administration hasn’t even begun to get nasty.

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