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Dear New York Times

by tristero

Dear New York Times,

It’s quite true, as Think Progress says, that in your review you have repeated a lie about the 9/11 commission report perpetrated in Disney’s $30,000,000 plus exercise in rightwing propoaganda. But what the hell is this supposed to mean?

In 2001 President Bush and his newly appointed aides had ample warning, including a briefing paper titled “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.,” and they failed to take it seriously enough, but their missteps are not equal [to the Clinton administration’s]. It’s like focusing blame for a school shooting at the beginning of the school year on the student’s new home room teacher; the adults who watched the boy torment classmates and poison small animals knew better.

This is about the worst analogy I’ve read outside of a Thomas Friedman column. Suffice it to say that while those fighting bin Laden in the Clinton administration most certainly were knowledgeable adults, any homeroom teacher so utterly incompetent as George W. Bush wouldn’t last two days.

Please correct your mistake and please permit your reviewer the opportunity to explore a new career path.



(ht: Atrios for the Think Progress link.)

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