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Stoking The Myth

by digby

CNN just gave President Bush some enthusiastic fellatio with its segment called “Commanding Presence?” I thought the question mark might lead to a serious discussion of Bush’s timorous behavior on 9/11 but since the people answering this question were Ari Fleischer and Andy Card you can imagine how critical it was. They did show the “My Pet Goat” footage, but Ari and Andy helpfully explained that it was highly unusual for anyone to interrupt the president in the middle of a photo-op so it shows just how seriously they all took it.

We then learned that he was desperate to get back to the White House, saying immediately, “I’m not gonna let some tin-horn dictator terrorist keep me outta Washington.”

They portray him as being very unusually voluble throughout that day — in private, at least. Later, after he insisted that he take marine-one instead of a motorcade because he wanted to “land at the white house” he looked down upon the smoldering pentagon and said to no one in particular, “the mightiest building in the world is on fire — this is the face of war in the 21st Century.”

Sure he did.

Thank you, CNN —

love, Karl


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