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Won’t Get Fooled Again

by digby

Kevin Drum explains why Democrats are unwilling to genuflect to Republican posturing on 9/11 anymore.

James Joyner, noting the harsh tone evident in many of the lefty blogosphere’s 9/11 posts today, says that “the stridency of these posts, even from bloggers and publications on the moderate side of the lefty blogosphere is surprising.”

Speaking only for myself, I’m not sure this should come as a surprise to anyone. My biggest disappointment of the past five years — the biggest by a very long way — has been the way that George Bush transformed 9/11 from an opportunity to bring the country together into a cynical and partisan cudgel useful primarily for winning a few more votes in national elections.

It’s not my biggest disappointment; I knew they would exploit it. But I never expected they would be this aggressively shameless about it. Read the whole post for the full litany of opportunistic partisan BS.

And yet after all that, here is what the president had the nerve to say tonight:

“Winning this war will require the determined efforts of a unified country. So we must put aside our differences, and work together to meet the test that history has given us. We will defeat our enemies, we will protect our people, and we will lead the 21st century into a shining age of human liberty.”

“Put aside our differences?”

You first.

Update: If you haven’t seen Olberman’s comment tonight, be sure to check it out over at Crooks and Liars. Wow.


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