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The New New Product

by tristero

Hey! Remember Andy Card back in 2002, about selling the country on the idea of invading a country that had nothing to do with 9/11?

From a marketing point of view, you don’t introduce new products in August.

A line that ranks as one of the ugliest lines ever in American politics. I wonder how the mothers of all those Americans who died in Iraq since Card said this feel about having their children’s sacrifice characterized as a new product. I wonder what the mothers of all those Iraqis who died – their deaths being in fact one of the main ingredients of the new product – would feel about Card if they were told about what he said.

But I digress. Because we now have a NEW new product for the fall of 2006. And it’s being marketed the most effective way possible, word of fucking mouth;

On the September 12 edition of his CNN Headline News program, Glenn Beck said that “[t]he Middle East is being overrun by 10th-century barbarians” and “[i]f they take over … we’re going to have to nuke the whole place.”

CNN, ladies, gentlemen, and Republicans. This was said on the Communist News Network, not Fox. Not the Washington Times.

And you thought I was joking. Let’s make this very, very clear:

The world will not tolerate the use of nuclear weapons by George W. Bush (or anyone else for that matter, but it’s Bush who is wagging the nuclear cock most often these days, and yes, Beck is reading from a White House script). The consequences for this country will not be nuclear retaliation, of course, not in the short term at least. There are plenty of other ways to attack America. And if Bush does drop even one itty bitty “tactical” nuke, this country will be at war. For real. Not with some neocon delusion, but with nearly everyone on the planet. Trust me on this: it won’t be pretty.

Adults are needed to tell Bush and Rove to zip it. Fast. They are in way over their heads. The White House isn’t a frat house and nuclear saber-rattling is no joke. This is one New Product that should be pulled from the market before it’s ever released.

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