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Di-Vaaahning The Will Of The Fixer

by digby

Can we get one thing straight? The “leaking” of James Baker’s secret plan to end the war — which Baker himself is appearing all over television *not* talking about, is a political ploy to get wobbly Republicans to believe — again — that the “grown-ups” are riding to the rescue. Jesus, how obvious can they be?

I’m watching Lee Hamilton fall all over himself to say he is not going to be partisan I believe him. He’s a very nice,agreeable gentleman. But it’s just a little bit much when he asserts that James A. Baker III, the fucking Bush family fixer, is similarly objective. Please. James Baker is as cutthroat a partisan as ever lived.

Once you’ve sold out your elder reputation to the degree that you will lie, cheat and twist the facts without regard to any sense of fairness or decency to obtain an election victory for your boy, I think you’ve given up any claim to “statemanship” — at least until the cheating bastard is out of office.


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