by digby
From John Amato I see that Rush Limbaugh, with his usual lack of any form of human decency, questioned Michael J. Fox’s sincerity in his ad for Claire McCaskill. Accoring to Rush, Fox was being dishonest by not taking his meds and allowing the full ravages of his disease to show — or he was acting. Limbaugh felt it was “exploitive.”
As it turns out, Fox’s affect was caused by his medication, not his lack of it. From an interview with an expert on Parkinson’s by Jonathan Cohn at the Plank:
What you are seeing on the video is side effects of the medication. He has to take that medication to sit there and talk to you like that. … He’s not over-dramatizing. … [Limbaugh] is revealing his ignorance of Parkinson’s disease, because people with Parkinson’s don’t look like that at all when they’re not taking their medication. They look stiff, and frozen, and don’t move at all. … People with Parkinson’s, when they’ve had the disease for awhile, are in this bind, where if they don’t take any medication, they can be stiff and hardly able to talk. And if they do take their medication, so they can talk, they get all of this movement, like what you see in the ad.
I took a lot of grief for a snarky post I did about Rush’s little trip to the Dominican in which I implied he might have been there seeking the company of underage locals. I have absolutely no regret about it. The man is a cretinous bag of rotting pig meat and he deserves anything that’s dished out at him.
Meanwhile Fox is doing more ads.