Hangin’ Wi Da Homeboys
by digby
I just saw John Fund insist to Maxine Waters that he had a lot of friends in her Compton and Inglewood district. I think she almost burst out laughing.
She smacked the smug little bastard down good. If you want to see what a real fighting liberal looks like, she’s it.
FUND: John Kerry is the titular head of the Democratic Party. And, clearly, in 2004, his position on Iraq was completely muddled.
And I think the problem is, this distracts from the Democratic message, and it makes people ask: All right, the Republicans are leading an unpopular war. But what is the Democratic plan to get the troops home?
And it is unclear. Nancy Pelosi wants to end the war. The only way to end the war, realistically, if the president doesn’t want to, is to cut funding. This leaves this ambiguous.
WATERS: That’s — that’s absolutely ridiculous.
As a matter of fact, the Out of Iraq Caucus that I have to organize have been working for over a year to try and get all of the members of Congress to have enough courage to pressure the president into correcting his wrong. He started this war.
FUND: Congresswoman, you…
WATERS: And those of you who — those of you who protect him are simply…
WATERS: … trying to say, yes, he started it.
FUND: Congresswoman…
WATERS: … but, somehow we must come up with the answer about how to get our troops back out.
FUND: … I’m not protecting President Bush. But I am from California.
WATERS: Yes, you are.
FUND: And I know lots of people in your district. And you have told people in your district you want to end funding for the war.
WATERS: No, I have not. And you don’t know lots of people in my district.
FUND: Yes, I…
WATERS: I’m sure…
FUND: I know lots of people in Compton.
WATERS: … you would like people to believe that.
FUND: I know lots of people in Inglewood, absolutely.
WATERS: I do not represent anybody in Compton. So, let’s get it straight.
You have been protecting the president. You have been trying to make sense out of this war that he got us involved in. We have almost 3,000 soldiers that have been killed, almost $400 billion of taxpayers’ money that’s been spent, between Iraq and Afghanistan. There’s no end in sight.