Rolling In The Pen With Pigs
by digby
George W. Bush is so desperate to get his embarrassed base out to vote that he’s appearing with extremist talk show pig Rush Limbaugh tomorrow.
That honor and dignity schtick is now so dead it stinks — they aren’t even pretending anymore. He is sullying the presidency worse than a million adulterous blojobs could ever do. Just days ago that gelatinous blowhard cruelly derided a man with Parkinson’s Disease for lowlife political purposes. And now the President of the United States is going to validate his malevolent cultural poison by appearing on his show.
Say your final good-byes to that silly Hughesian alliterative construct, “compassionate conservatism.” George W. Bush and his porcine hatchet-man are going to be smothering the last remaining vestige of it tomorrow as they wallow around together in the fetid shit pile known as the Rush Limbaugh Show.
It sure makes you proud to be an American, doesn’t it?