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Spit Spin

by digby

So a bunch of George Allen’s banjo-boys roughed up blogger Mike Stark today saying “you got personal” when he asked Allen if it was true that he had spit on his first wife. He’s lucky. Allen usually spits on people who annoy him.

The facts are that Allen refuses to release his divorce records or his arrest records. I have no idea what’s it them, of course. But I don’t think anyone would be particularly surprised to find out that the rumors about him spitting on his ex-wife are true. He often spits to make a statement. And he always has:

“One thing that always disgusted me about George was that he chewed tobacco in college and often carried no cup to spit into and he would walk down the halls at Newcomb Hall,” Shelton said. “He would spit tobacco juice on the floors and on the wall with total disrespect, in my opinion, for the University, the students and the janitors, and at that time most of them were black.”

And just a week or so ago Ryan Lizza, writing in TNR about Mark Warner, said:

One night in New Hampshire, after a few drinks at a pool hall in a college town, the conversation turned to the political troubles of another potential ’08 contender. I told a story that had been making the rounds about how this politician once spit on his wife.

Gosh, I wonder who that could be? The ’08 contender who is a known spitter? Hmmmm.

Maybe it’s personal but that’s not Stark’s problem. Allen even made it his signature:

Allen’s personal style is similarly distinctive. He drinks beer mixed with orange juice and signs personal notes with the salutation, “Spit, George.”Washington Post, Dec. 31, 1995

I don’t know why it’s so wrong for his constituents to ask him about these rumors. He’s a spitter and proud of it. If he doesn’t want people gossiping about him spitting on his ex-wife, maybe he shouldn’t spit at people all the time. It tends to make those rumors awfully believable.


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