Warming Up The Freakshow
by digby
On MSNBC just now, Republican fascist Bob Dornan and an African American radio host named Joe Madison were talking about negative ads. Dornan said he wants the Republicans to hold on to the house by one vote so there will be new leadership. But he’s very afraid that the liberals will take over.
He backs that up with a little anecdote from his days in the house:
I don’t want to see that other team come in come in on the other side. I served with them … Joe, I’ll tell you Nancy Pelosi said to me once during a pro-life vote, I said, “Nancy, how can you as a Catholic” — we have the same number of daughters and sons, we each have five — “how can you vote for abortion, taking an innocent life?”
You know what she said? Brace yourself Joe. I’ll take an oath on this. She said, “Bob, what would you do if your daughter was raped by a black man?”
I said, “Nancy, what a racist statement!”
This from the same guy who famously said: “Every lesbian spear chucker in this country is hoping I get defeated.”
Bob Dornan was mercifully defeated in 1996 by Loretta Sanchez. (This in the same district in which the Republican candidate has been accused this cycle of sending out illegal mailers telling immigrants they cannot vote.) Dornan protested the results, claiming she won with the votes of illegal aliens, and the GOP House of repreentatives refused to allow her to take her seat while they conducted an investigation. She was eventually seated.
He was convicted of beating his wife in the 1960’s although for unknown reasons he never served jailtime. (She later took the blame admitting she asked for it.)He assaulted people on the House floor. He’s crazy as a loon. So why, you ask, would MSNBC have this seriously disturbed man on to discuss negative ads?
It’s a warm-up. The freaks are coming out of the woodwork and the cablers are combing their rolodexes for second tier Dem bashers who haven’t been allowed out of their cages while the majority Republicans tried to maintain a slight veneer of civilized behavior. There is an entire workforce of under-employed GOP wierdos like Dornan who are looking at a whole new life if the Republicans lose.
We’re gonna party like it’s 1998. It’s good for ratings — or, at least, they think it is.