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Winning Into Losing

by digby

Despite my clear allegiance to the netroots and my belief that they were vital in this election, I have refrained from weighing in too heavily on the internecine fighting in the hope that it would blow over as our victory sank in and people gathered their wits and properly apportioned credit. I was more than willing to say Rahm and Chuck had done their jobs and that we did ours which means that the party won big, giving us a real governing coalition instead of a bare majority That seems like a nice, lukewarm water assessment designed to let everyone have a fair share of the credit.

I was being far too generous:

Some big name Democrats want to oust DNC Chairman Howard Dean, arguing that his stubborn commitment to the 50-state strategy and his stinginess with funds for House races cost the Democrats several pickup opportunities.

The candidate being floated to replace Dean? Harold Ford.

Says James Carville, one of the anti-Deaniacs, “Suppose Harold Ford became chairman of the DNC? How much more money do you think we could raise? Just think of the difference it could make in one day. Now probably Harold Ford wants to stay in Tennessee. I just appointed myself his campaign manager.”

Apparently the beltway elite is determined to start a war. There is no reason for them to float this other than a purely malicious power play. Dean’s strategy at least arguably worked (I would say undisputably) and the party won the fucking election. Why bring out the long knives in the middle of our victory glow? For the establishment to choose this moment to slap the progressive base of this party right in the face by dissing Dean is to alienate their new younger voters (and their future), their internet-based supporters and their activist grassroots all of whom worked their hearts out in this election.

If there is anyone with the party out there reading this, please talk these short sighted retreads out of pursuing this line. The DNC leadership post is a partywide elected position and Dean has the allegiance of the states, so this is nothing more than public masturbation. There’s no point in floating this nonsense except to piss people off.

We have a very important presidential election coming up and unless the Democratic party is living under some Rovian illusion that we have just begun the new thousand year reich, it’s going to be very tough. If they think they don’t need need all the help they can get, they’re crazy. We may not be their favorite people, but we are valuable members of the party whether they like it or not — and boneheaded talk like this will make things unpleasant in a million little ways that just aren’t worth it at a time like this. Don’t be dumb.

The establishment is going to have to grow up and learn to live with the netroots and the grassroots activists who back Dean. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but we aren’t going anywhere.

By the way, has anyone seen one word from Emmanuel and Shumer thanking the grassroots,the netroots or the volunteers for all their time, hard work and money? Perhaps they have, but it sure isn’t showing up in all the laudatory profiles. How classy.

Update: Sorry, Rahm Emmanuel did post this on the DCCC site on October 27.


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