Gut Bomb
by digby
Following up on my post below, I just noticed that Kevin Drum has cautioned the liberal blogosphere not to rely too heavily on populist gut instinct just because the tiresome punditocrisy has lifted “centrism” to some position of worship. He’s right, of course.
But as I write below, I would actually posit that the real problem is the liberal punditocrisy which reflexively rejects anything that is tainted by its association with grassroots populist sentiment. Particularly now, when many experts were marginalized because they failed to support the war and many liberals of both the netroots and grassroots were proven right, it behooves the establishment to open its minds to thinking from outside the usual suspects in the beltway. That doesn’t mean they should trust us liberal bloggers’ “guts.” We would not ask them to. It means they should stop trusting their own. Their guts, like Bush’s, are defective.