Why Would They Do That?
by digby
Kevin Drum and Steve Benen wonder why the wingnuts haven’t come up with anything good with which to smear Obama. Good question.
It reminds me of some earnest and straightforward analysis Bill Bennett dispensed earlier today:
BENNETT: Well, I mean, as a Republican partisan, let me just say that, for sure, I would rather face Al Gore than Hillary Clinton…
BENNETT: … or Barack Obama.
Because I think it’s an easier win for a Republican. But, by the way, when they got it tuned into the Al Gore channel tomorrow night, if they flip by accident, and they get Obama, people are not going to go back.
Do you believe Bill Bennett is being honest about this?
I have no idea which candidates really scare the Republicans. But I do know one thing. When lying sacks of discarded table scraps like Bill Bennett tell you that they are afraid to face certain Democrats and don’t fear the others — be skeptical. Be very skeptical. I know it sounds mean and partisan, but experience should tell everyone that he is not a sincere man trying to dispassionately analyze the political scene. Everything he says is designed to benefit the Republican Party.