Merry Kitzmas!
by tristero
Merry Kitzmas! What? You don’t know about Kitzmas???!!!? It’s the one year anniversary of the happy resolution of Kitzmiller v. Dover, which dealt a major blow to the purveyors of “intelligent design” creationism. If you have an hour or two over the holidays, this is a perfect time to settle into a nice, intelligently designed (by humans, of course) chair or sofa and read Judge Jones brilliant decision.
Kitzmiller is, along with the fall ’06 elections, one of the few major victories for the side of reason and science during the Bush infestation. Its importance for the future of science education cannot be overestimated. Let’s not forget that Scopes lost (and for those of you who only know about Scopes through Inherit the Wind, go thou and read Summer for the Gods) for the real story, which is far more interesting.
I’m off again ’til the New Year. Happy Holidays and New Year to all!