by digby
Here’s another one of those creepy articles about religious zealots who are trying to blow up the world and bring on the bridegroom. Fine, whatever. There have always been end-of-the-worlders around.
But really, how do these nuts get to be so involved in the highest reaches of the US Government? (From last summer):
As I reported for the Nation in my most recent article, “The Birth Pangs of a New Christian Zionism,” the White House has convened a series of meetings over the past few months with leaders of Christians United for Israel (CUFI), a newly formed political organization that tells its members that supporting Israel’s expansionist policies is “a biblical imperative.” CUFI’s Washington lobbyist, David Brog, told me that during the meetings, CUFI representatives pressed White House officials to adopt a more confrontational posture toward Iran, refuse aid to the Palestinians and give Israel a free hand as it ramped up its military conflict with Hezbollah.
The White House instructed Brog not to reveal the names of officials he met with, Brog said.
Brog, the former chief-of-staff to Arlen Specter, is now the first full-time lobbyist for the Christian Zionism movement.
Chief of staff to token Pro-choice Republican Arlen Specter? It was bad enough that the Republicans sell their souls to big business, but they also appear to be willing to take money from total nutballs who want to end the world. (It’s entirely possible, of course, that he agrees wholeheartedly with the agenda — but he’s still a paid lobbyist.)
As we watch a new naval carrier group steam toward Iran in order to “send a message” you have to wonder whether these people might just be speaking in the ever more desperate George W. Bush’s ear.
Oh, and then there’s this stuff:
“My first priority is my faith in God, then my family, and then my country. I share my faith because it describes who I am,” Gen. Catton says in the video. “You have many men and women who are seeking God’s council and wisdom as we advise the Chairman and the Secretary of Defense. Hallelujah.”