Pot, Meet The Kettle Of Darkness
by digby
I can’t tell you how much I’m enjoying watching Bob Dole drone on about how civility is broken down in Washington since the good old days when he and Jer were on the campaign trail. This is the same Bob Dole who was known as “the Prince of Darkness” back in the day — the guy who was chosen for the GOP ticket in 1976 to pander to the rabid right and who said in the VP debate, “I figured it up the other day: If we added up the killed and wounded in Democrat wars in this century, it would be about 1.6 million Americans-enough to fill the city of Detroit.”
Very civil.
And even though the man almost single handedly popularized that odious term “Democrat party” I had long had a semi-soft spot for the guy simply because he had a good sense of humor at times. Then he came along in 2004 and joined the despicable swift boat scum, dishonestly trashing John Kerry’s war record. The man has zero integrity, sorry.
So, I don’t want to hear anything from Bob Dole about civility. He’s as responsible as any politician in the country for the fact that our politics has turned gutter ugly. He was one of the most effective practitioners of that Republican black art in the modern era.
Shove your civility, Bob. You’re an asshole, always have been.