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Chain Gang

by digby

TBOGG notices that the rightwing is lying by sending out bogus e-mails and pictures. I know it’s shocking. Who would have ever thought they would do such a thing?

I have a question, though. The second item he mentions is an e-mail allegedly from a current soldier in Iraq that found its way to The Corner — only to be revealed to have been circulating for years. I’m just curious. I’m on a lot of email lists; how come I never get anything like this. The right’s always got some crap making the rounds — tales of liberal satan worship or the “historical document” that nobody’s ever heard of proving that Thomas Jefferson was an evangelical preacher. You know the kind.

Why is it that liberals don’t have anything like this? Even assuming we didn’t send around completely unbelievable horseshit that anyone with an 6th grade education would see through, wouldn’t it be a good thing to have the capacity to circulate true information? How do they do it?


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